At my last posting, I said it was supposed to hit triple digits. YES IT DID! It reached 102 on April 21st, but only for that day. The next couple days it was in the high 90s. Since the 24th it has been in the very comfortable mid to high 80s. However, it may hit triple digits once again before we leave, but that is why we have Air Conditioning (grin).
Ken has continued to work/monitor in the rock shop, but today was his last day to have it open for park use. Now he has to clean up the machinery and close it up for the summer.
With all our preparations, we still aren't ready to head north. Ken still has to finish building his shelves in the storage unit and revamp the outside vent. Also, during the last high winds, we had a strap break on one of the slider awnings, so had to find some new ones. Needless-to-say, all we found were too short, so had to special order some. I still have to get my hair cut and we have to wait for our mail from home to arrive. Doesn't look like we are going to be able to leave until the end of next week.....maybe Sunday the 10th. I do have everything ready to shut down at that time, so we have to leave by then (lol).
Not every day has been a work day. On Tuesday, the 28th, we took a break and went in search for an unusual Saguaro that we had only visited once a couple years ago. This Saguaro is in an area very close to what we call Box Canyon, but the road getting there is not that apparent and most of it is in a very narrow, sandy wash. Thank goodness for the Wrangler because I don't think we would want to take our Grand Cherokee back there. Anyhow, we found the cactus and "duh" neither of us brought the camera. Well I did have my iPhone, so did manage to get a few shots. No, the iPhone does not have a great camera, but it gives you the idea of what we were looking at. Isn't it something else?
We also got word last night that our best friends became grand parents for the very first time. CONGRATS TO R&L and especially to S&G on the birth of a beautiful little girl named Madelyn Mae!! We are dying to see her!!!
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