Yesterday was a fairly nice day at the coast. Just a couple showers, but mostly cloudy with some wind. We barely got wet while in Lincoln City at a Celebration of Honor GPS Event, and even got quite warm racing around the town viewing various sites collecting stamps in our "passport" in order to win a prize. We had ten sites to visit and it took us about 2 hours to complete, but we "earned" a couple very nice GeoCoins for our effort. There were many 'cachers' from the Salem area who showed up for the social aspect and the chance to earn the prize.
Today became another matter. It started raining last night around 9 p.m. and hasn't yet stopped. The whole park has become a lake and it seems most of the camp sites are surrounded by water. We are warm and cozy in the coach, but the poor tenters must be freezing and miserable.
These two pictures show us sitting high and dry, but most of the road and some of the grassy areas are underwater.
The weather forcast is rain for the next several days, so I guess, we are going to get pretty wet tomorrow hooking up and dumping tanks before our drive back to Salem.
Will keep you all posted.
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