It is hard to believe, but Yakutat is also known for its great surfing. There is a neat surf shop there called Icy Waves. You can find more pictures on the web by going to and checking out the links.
The Small Boat Harbor is a very small part of a huge bay. The bay will accommodate a large cruise ship, but they don't stop there on a regular basis. If there is a large storm or an emergency, the cruise ships will pull in. We saw one once, but didn't have the camera with us to get a picture.
This is the Sheriff's Office in the middle of town. Next door is the Magistrate's office and court room. The judge travels from town to town and comes in when there is a trial taking place.
The General Store is called Mallotts. They are not the only grocery store here, but is the oldest and the only one still owned and operated by locals.
It used to be if you wanted to view the local bears (coastal grizzley) you could just go to the garbage dump. There were several Junk Yard Junkies that hung out there just waiting for a handout. Now, the town passed an ordinace banning all fish refuse being dumped there. All fish scraps have to be ground up at the grinder and then disposed of in the bay. These were some of the "junkies" we ran into a couple years ago.
Eagles are harder to get pictures of, but they are quite numerous in Yakutat. We see several every day when out fishing. This year we saw two pair hanging around the lagoon watching us fish. Tried to get pictures of them, but they stayed high and too far away to get a good shot. We spotted this Eagle eating a Salmon along the bank of a ditch near a local road; when we got close, he flew up into the nearest tree. He didn't want to lose his meal, so didn't go far, and we were able to get a fairly decent picture.
Well that is all from Yakutat, hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. The next post will be from South Beach State Park (Newport, Oregon), where we will be camping out with friends for a nice long weekend.
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