We were just an hour out of West Yellowstone and passing a small town called Island Park on a very narrow two lane road heading south. We were traveling about 55 or 58 mph, and as you all know, you cannot stop a 40,000 pound rig pulling another 5,500 pounds very quickly. Well, we were motating on down the road, when all of a sudden from our right side came a huge female deer running full bore heading for our lane of the highway. Ken reacted very quickly and hit the brakes just enough to barely miss her as she jumped into the left lane. We only missed her by about a second or two. BUT, coming from the other direction was a fully loaded semi-truck probably weighing in the neighborhood of 50,000 pounds or more, and while we squeaked past the deer, the trucker hit her just as our Jeep passed them. Ken could see “stuff” fly off the truck’s front end (lights, fenders, etc…) and also saw the deer being thrown topsy turvy into our lane. He (trucker) had to be going at least the same speed we were IF not faster. I don’t remember hearing his brakes, but I did hear the “WHUMP” as the deer was hit (awful sound). We were going way too fast to stop safely, so had to keep on going…..plus there really wasn’t anywhere on the side of the road where we could easily pull off. Ken doesn’t think the trucker stopped either because he really didn’t have anywhere to pull over. Like I said, it was a very narrow road. We are sure he was ok and probably ended up parking in town when he got there to check out any damage to the truck. Needless-to-say, the deer did not get up….. We both thanked God for placing that guardian angel with us. What a difference 1 or 2 seconds can make!! As I have said in the past, some devastating stuff can happen in just a blink of an eye!! IF we would have hit her, there would not be much left of the coach’s front end. Yes, we both had our seat belts on!!!
Thankfully, the rest of the drive to Boise was uneventful, but we were ever vigilant for any unusual “thing” to happen. The weather was very cool Thursday morning (43), but once in Boise it got warm….very warm (92). Stayed that way all the while we were there. Happily it cooled in the evenings.
Ken’s brother Dick and his wife Pam have a gorgeous place in the west hills of Boise and the breeze up there was wonderful.
We only spent three short days (4 nights) visiting with Dick, Pam and their daughter Nicole, but we stuffed in a whole lot of visiting, eating, and drinking. Pam’s birthday is June 4, but they celebrated while we were there on Saturday the 30th. Their guest list included 70 plus close friends and family. On their property there is a natural rock area where they set up the coals for some tasty Dutch Oven Chicken to slow cook and a bon fire to later sit around.
We left Boise on June 1 and made a half day drive to the John Day Recreation Area and parked the coach along the south side of the Columbia River (Oregon’s exit 109) near the base of the John Day Dam. We could not believe how hot and humid it was. Hood River (just west of us) was 100 with a threat of Thunder and lightning. Thankfully, there was a breeze (very warm) from the river, and we had all of the coach’s windows open to keep the breeze flowing through. We had dinner at a small restaurant near the dam. We then spent the evening sitting outside relaxing and enjoying the declining day.
The next morning, we were up early and pulled out at 8 am. We fueled up at the Flying J in Troutdale and headed for Salem. We arrived home at 11:30 am. That’s when all the work began! It is a wonder at how much has to be laundered and cleaned upon leaving the coach. We also had to get the house back in living shape. We first had to turn the water and water heater back on, and make sure the satellite had been reactivated. Once that was done, we drove to the post office to pick up our mail and resume delivery. When we got back home, the water was hot enough to begin washing clothes, blankets, and rugs. I still had to restart the newspaper, and make some crucial appointments before we head back out of town near the end of the month. By bedtime, we both were totally pooped!! Oh yeah, the temperature was a humid 82 degrees. It is supposed to stay kinda warm, with some thunder showers the next week (I hate that humidity).
Even though it’s a lot of work, we are at least home safe and sound, and God willing we will be back on the road for a 12 day camping trip in Eastern Oregon with our bestest friends over the 4th of July holiday.
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