We had a great time visiting with our son and his family the six days we were in the Twin Falls area. The kids live in a small town about 40 miles north east of Twin Falls, so we had a long drive each day just to visit and to attend the three huge events that our twin grandsons were celebrating.
On saturday, May 16, we were honored to watch the boys (James and Edward) receive their Eagle Badge from the Boy Scouts.

Grandpa Pavelek, who is an Eagle, had the privilege to speak at the boys “Court of Honor.” His speech touched on how much work the boys had to do in order to reach the Eagle level. Plus he spoke about the history of the Eagle, and how things were different 50 years ago when he received his Eagle Badge. James and Edward had to work their way up many levels in the scouts and finish a public service project in order to qualify for the Eagle. We are very proud of them for sticking with their goals and not letting “girls” or other peer pressures sway them from attaining their goal.
On Sunday, we were in attendance when the boys graduated from their church’s Seminary class.

They along with others from their class had to attend a 4 year religious training and history class that began at 7 am, Monday thru Friday. In order to graduate from “Seminary,” they had to have an 82 percent attendance. The church where the graduation took place is in Carey, which is another 15 miles east of where the kids live, so it was a long drive for us, but it was gratifying to see these two boys again stick with something and complete it.
Finally, on Monday the 18th, James & Edward graduated from High School.
This is Edward.

This is James.

That day it was 95 degrees and the graduation took place in the high school’s “very hot” gym at 8 pm. The class of 2009 was the largest class Richfield has had, and I think every person who lives in Richfield was there to watch. The “huge class” of 20 had been together since grade school.

The long speeches and accolades ended at 10 pm, then everyone received their diploma. That’s when the party began. Our grandsons had a group of kids over to their place for Pizza and Root Beer (they don’t drink alcohol) and were up all night long partying. It was a hot, glorious evening for all!! We didn’t stick around for the party because we still had the 40 mile drive back to the coach, so we left right after the boys received their diplomas.
The week’s visit with the kids ended all too soon, and we pulled out of the KOA park Thursday (21st) morning.
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