Our Saturday evening was spent in Globe attending a geocaching event. The event was held at a small Mexican restaurant where great food and drinks were served. We especially enjoyed the Margaritas (yum). Globe is an hour east of Queen Valley, so of course, we managed to find 7 caches while on the way there. There was a great turnout and everyone had a great time visiting with each other and exchanging all kinds of cache stories. We are hoping that they will hold more in the future.
Monday was a quiet day after our weekly morning coffee social. Ken worked in the rock shop as usual and probably will be involved there through mid April. He is president of the club and spends a great deal of time involved in rock shop stuff... but he too has had more time to work on his own stuff and hopes to have a lot more jewelry done for next year's craft sale.
On Tuesday the 17th, we led a small group out on a back road trip to show them how we geocache. They had their own GPSes and had previously checked out GC.com, but hadn’t really done anything on it. Our trip took us east towards Globe where we turned south on a dirt and rocky road called Pinto Valley Road. The road was really in a lot better shape than we expected, but the drive still involved many steep ups and downs, plus some hairpin turns all the while climbing towards an 8,000 foot high mountain (Pinal Peak). Along the way, we all managed to find 8 caches and all had a great time. We even found a nice shady spot to have lunch.
After our own playing in the snow and taking pictures, we decided it was time to head back down to town (Globe) and then head back to home.
That is Globe in the distance.
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