February 4, 2009


Not much to write about, but here goes.

Sadly, the Cardinals lost the Super Bowl, but they sure put on a good game and came very close to winning.  Everyone in Arizona is so proud of them and are hoping there is no changes in the team, so they can have a go at it again next season.  Those guys played their hearts out and have nothing to be sorry for.  For a team that everyone was discounting, they sure proved everyone wrong (grin).

This week's weather has been perfect.  Top temps in the 80s and dropping to high 40s at night.....so much better than home.  We had a lot of wind last night and today because there is a change coming.  Seems we are going to get some rain this next week....at least that is what the weather people are saying.  Of course, it could go north and miss us entirely.  Guess we will find out!

I have been feeling better, but the sinus are still stuffy.  Ken and I went out shopping today and ended up having dinner out.  Nice!!  This Friday the park has a huge group going to the Arizona Opry.  It is a fantastic dinner show and always a treat to go to.  I will post more about it later.

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