First of all little Andie is doing better. Her stats are up where they want them, but her lactate levels are still too high....although they were down a bit this morning (good news). She still has a long way to go before they take her off of her meds.
Friday, Ken and I finally had a chance to take off and do some Jeeping and caching. We took a familiar route over Montana Mountain and looked for and found 11 caches. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day which made it perfect for both Jeeping and caching.
This is just some of what we saw!
We even found some water falls. With the snow melting in the mountains, we had a lot of water running in most of the washes we passed.
After being out all day Friday, we decided to go out again today. We didn't leave very early or really go that far, but we were still out for most of the day.
We drove south about 38 miles to check out an area that we wanted to hide a cache for an up coming Geocaching Event. It was about 11:30 and close to 80 degrees when we got to where we wanted to be.
We ended up driving over several trails that were more like ATV paths, but the Wrangler performed like a champ. The worst part was the brush we had to go through. The trails were very narrow and we sustained some nice "pin stripping" on the sides of the Jeep. After the recent rains, the trails were pretty rutty, but with the heat, things are drying up and the mud is becoming like cement.
While in the area, we even found 4 caches. We weren't planning on that, but they just happened to be close to where we were driving. At one of the caches, Ken was near some boulders and he heard a funny noise..... well that noise turned out to be a Rattlesnake. He was so close to it that he was surprised it didn't strike him. He was so close he didn't dare try to jump back, so he pulled his gun out and shot it. His souvenir was the nine "buttons" from the tail. Sorry, he didn't have the camera to take pictures of it.
After that bit of scary experience, we decided not to do any more hiking or searching around rocks/boulders. It was getting late, so we decided to quit for the day and head back home.
It took us a while to follow the trail back to the main road, but after we hit pavement, we drove into Florence for dinner then on back to the coach. We got here before dark and had time to enjoy a nice cold drink and the beautiful evening. I think it hit 85 today, but it is supposed to hit 90 by Monday. As the weatherman just said, "the heat is on." Oh boy!!
Still hard to believe it, but two days in a row Jeeping and Caching, WOW that is almost a record (grin).