Last time I wrote, we were finishing up a trip to Morenci and I was coming down with a case of the flu. I went to bed when we got home that Friday evening and stayed that whole weekend in bed. Wow, that was the worst I have felt in a long time. It was a beautiful weekend (warm & sunny), but I was way too sick to even enjoy it.
Ken was back in the rock shop on Monday, and I was finally up and around trying to get my strength back. Monday was a beautiful 75 degree day, but I was still not able to really enjoy it. Tuesday was 76 degrees and a gorgeous day. That afternoon we attended a geocoin event where Ken got to show off his geocoin collection, and we got a chance to check out other geocacher’s coin collections. Ken was happy to trade some coins and even sell a few of his extras. It was a marvelous day and we both were feeling much better.
Wednesday and Thursday it turned cooler (63 & 65 degrees) so we didn’t get out to do much. Ken was in the rock shop all day Thursday trying to get stuff done for a rock show that is coming up in a couple of weeks. He has made a lot of pretty stuff and is in the process of finishing several pieces off for the show. Thursday night it started raining and it rained all that night and all the next day. The temperature dropped to 55 on Friday and it only got up to 60 on Saturday. We had no rain on Saturday, but it still was cloudy with minimal sun breaks.
Yesterday (Sunday the 17th) we woke to marvelous sun and beautiful clear skies. Good thing because we along with our close neighbors hosted our monthly neighborhood pot luck in the afternoon. Ken BBQed up some Alaskan Salmon and everyone brought a hot dish, salad, or dessert to go along with it. Even with the amount of folks getting sick around here, we had a great turnout and all had a fun time. The hit of the afternoon was a “while elephant” exchange. A “while elephant” is something new or used you have around the house you no longer use or need and think someone else would like. We all got to choose a wrapped “white elephant.” Once we unwrapped the gifts, we tossed dice to see who would have a chance to go around and “steal” a different or better gift. Only the ones tossing doubles got to go a “stealing,” and it really became a circus because we had 6 sets of dice being passed around and being tossed by three groups of 16 all at the same time at different tables….but everybody who had a gift was a target. It was a timed event (10 minutes) and it became quite hilarious as everyone was rushing around stealing and re-stealing some great, some not so great, gifts.
Today, things are back to normal (warm & sunny). We started the morning off with our weekly Monday morning coffee social and news updates. Now, while Ken is in the rock shop, I am posting this letter (grin) and in a few minutes, I will be off to an ice cream social at the park's activity hall. It's going to be a busy week with lots of planned activities and tag-a-longs.
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