See the ice!
On the 15th we had to go to Superior (a town east of us) and make an appointment to have Jeep worked on, so while in the area we found two caches. Those two finds finally got us to the 4,000 mark for finds.....something we should have had way back last year when we were in Salem. Oh well, taking care of our friend was more important than caching.
Wednesday, we had the day free, so slept late then went into the Mesa area and found 20 more caches and had dinner. Now that we don't have our friend's house to work on, we have the time to get out more. We haven't been on any back roads yet because of the Jeep's problematic power steering fluid line, but once we get the leaky thing fixed we plan on hitting more back country. Right now, Sunday, Monday and Thursday are our only busy days.
Last night, we attended a dinner and show here at the park, and after dinner we were entertained by a trio playing double sets of Steel Drums, or Pans as said in Trinidad. They were fantastic and even took the time to explain the history of the drums and how they were made and tuned. Such a simple instrument, but so very hard to make and tune. Each person had two drums because only 15 tones can be tuned on each drum. The drum is a standard 55 gallon barrel end (cut down) and pounded into a bowl shape. Once the bowl shape is formed, each tone is pounded out in a small portion of the bowl and as the steel thins the tone is formed. Once they do one tone, another tone is formed in another part of the bowl. This is done for each of the 15 tones. Once they get close to the tone they want, they then have to fine tune each tone. These tones can last up to five years, but they like to have the drums re-tuned every year to keep them in tip top shape. So much more information was given, but it is way toooo long to relate here.
Today, we are lazing around and catching up on needed things to be done around here. More later.
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