February 2, 2011

January is over

Another month has gone by and we can’t believe we only have three more till we leave AZ. So much has been going on that I won’t go into a lot of details, but will say we have been having lots of fun and plan on continuing to have fun. We had a nice month of clear & sunny (sometimes cold) days with rain coming only on the very last day of the month. It was so completely different than what we had last year. So far, we have been pretty dry and the rain we got hardly settled the dust.

On January 4, our daughter called and said her car had been broken into. It seemed to be quite random since a huge amount of cars on their side of town were broken into. Sadly among the things stolen were our house keys plus our burglar alarm key fob. Thank goodness our address was not with the keys and we guessed/hoped the thief had no idea to whom the keys belonged. However, not wanting to take any chances with the alarm fob being active, Ken decided to fly back to Salem for a few days and meet with ADT to deactivate the stolen fob and change the house door locks.

Once Ken was back in AZ, we got back into park life and all the activities that go with it (many dinners, coffee socials, and lots of fun activities). We also hosted our annual ‘East Side Pot Luck’ where we provided BBQed Alaskan Salmon that we caught in September. Our neighborhood has some wonderful cooks who all brought a huge array of great food & desserts. The highlight of the afternoon was a ‘While Elephant’ gift exchange where we managed to wear off some of the calories that we all ate. As always it was a great time!

Since the days were so nice, we took time to get out in the desert with the Wrangler. It’s nice going out with a group, but mostly we enjoy taking our time and going out by ourselves just to geocache. We’ve been out Jeeping several times and have found lots of caches we haven’t been to before. Oh yeah, there are many more on rougher roads to get to.

On the 29th, we went hiking in Usery Mountain Regional Park with friends. Even though some of us were physically hurting (my knee, Dirk’s back, Kathy’s foot & shoulder), our goal was to hike the most popular Wind Cave Trail. The hike is 1.6 miles (one way) up a rocky terrain with an elevation gain of 800 feet. The trail is well marked, and in most places nice walking. It is rated at 2.5 (moderately difficult), but some areas have steep stepping spots and sometimes rough rocks. Going up was no problem, but coming down was quite painful on the knees. Even with the pain, it was a beautiful hike with some great friends.

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