March 3, 2009

Coach Bay Door

It's Tuesday evening and still 75 degrees. It never did hit 90 yesterday, but did get to 86. Today was only 83 with a low of 62. During the next few days, it is expected to cool down to the mid 70s.

The other day Ken discovered the lower latch on one of the pass through bays wouldn't open all the way. Seems he could get the upper latch to release and it would pull out about 2 inches, but the lower latch would not budge. Thankfully it is a pass through, so he crawled inside from the driver's side and had to remove the loop from the bay floor so he could release the piece holding it. The portion that flips over and holds tight to the loop of the bay was broken, but we can now open and close the door. Yes, it is driveable that way and lockable. The bottom latch was just to keep the bay door from pushing out away from the bay, but the main latch is holding tight.

On Thursday we have a Rock Shop Chili Feed and Play taking place. Everyone in the rock shop is expected to donate finished items for the raffle during that evening. So far, Ken has donated two beautiful pendants with ear rings, 2 bolos, and 2 belt buckles. All of the pieces are made out of Mahogany Obsidian and are gorgeous. No, I didn't take pictures, but will try and remember the camera the night of the event.

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