This has got to be wrong, April 1 already? WOW, only one more month and we will be getting ready to head back to Oregon. I must be getting senile because I have no idea where the time has gone!!
We’ve been Jeeping & Caching a lot more this season, plus taking part in all the regular resort activities, which are way too numerous to mention here. It seems like there was something going on, in and around the park every day, and we had to start saying no to more activities than we were saying yes to. Also, we took more time this season visiting with and enjoying our geocaching friends. We even met some very good friends for dinner several times and visited with other friends & acquaintances’ at geo events.
Of course, Ken continued working in the Lapidary Shop preparing his “rocks” for making belt buckles & pendants as gorgeous additions to his spectacular beaded jewelry. In February, he had three tables set up of gorgeous jewelry for sale at our resort’s annual craft fair. He sold some and took orders for more!!
Our geocaching was a way to get out more with the Jeep Wrangler and find old roads that we haven't been on before. We did go out by ourselves a lot, but when we knew we were heading for some extremely tough roads, we had another couple go with us. Along with the Jeeping & Caching, we hiked. When there was a decent trail, I hiked and enjoyed it, but when it became boulder hopping and beating the brush, I called it quits (grin) and let Ken do it.
So far this season, we’ve only seen one huge Rattlesnake, and that was while we were happily in the Jeep. It was quite large and very unhappy to have us disturb his “warming” in the middle of the road. No, we didn’t have the camera with us and, of course, our cell phones were turned off (no reception) so no pictures.
So here it is April 1 already, and the weather is heating up. In fact, we are supposed to be close to triple digits this weekend. Supposedly, it won’t stay that way, but we will have to wait and see. There are some wildflowers and cacti blooming, but because of the lack of rain this year, it isn’t a sea of colors like last year. The huge Saguaro’s are starting to bud. They will be breaking into bloom in the next few weeks. I think the Saguaro bloom (state flower) is the most spectacular of all the cacti blooms. It just doesn’t look real.
The Resort’s activities have pretty much come to an end, with just a few things more happening before Easter. Many residents have left or are in the preparation of leaving. Yes, there are many like us that won’t be heading back to their homes till May and a very few that will stay all year long. We plan on leaving around the second week of May, unless the weather stays at 100 or below, then we may leave later. Right now, even though it’s getting warmer, the nights are cool and refreshing. It’s wonderful to have the cool breeze in the evening and listening to the Coyotes howl at night. Oh how we love the remoteness of this resort!!
We have friends, who live in Washington, arriving today. They have been staying in southern AZ for the last two months and now are heading home. They plan on stopping here for the weekend and visiting with us before their trek home. As I said earlier, it's going to be one hot (98 degree) weekend, but we plan on having fun.
Happy April everyone!!!