So far, we have had a very nice August. Temperatures have been pretty warm, but pleasant and not sweltering “HOT.” Oh, we did have one day it hit 99, but it was still comfortable. The humidity was down and we could at least breathe.
On August 8, we had a family picnic (reunion) at Ken's brother’s (Gerry) place. For the first time in quite a while, all four Pavelek brothers (Gerry, Ken, Dick, & Don) and most of the family, were present for a very fun afternoon of eating, drinking, and visiting. Three Pavelek brothers live in the Salem/Jefferson area, but Richard (Dick) and his family live in Boise, Idaho, so it isn’t very often that we all are together at the same time. We had a great time and even got to “sample” some of the wine being produced from Dick and Pam’s vineyard (very nice indeed). Later in the day, our oldest son, Bill, and his family arrived from Richfield, Idaho, but they were too late to come out and join in the fun of the picnic. Instead, they got themselves settled in for the week and just enjoyed the rest of the evening relaxing from the long tedious drive.
On Sunday the 9th our youngest son, Dean, was hoping to surprise his dad by flying in from Dallas, Texas for the wedding. He had arranged for our daughter (LeighAnn) & son-in-law (Tim) to pick him up at the Portland Airport and bring him to the house and surprise Ken (I already knew he was coming). Unfortunately, Ken really wasn’t that surprised. Ken said he had it in the back of his mind that Dean would try and come out for the wedding, but really didn’t know when, or how much time he could take off from work. Amazingly, this was the first time in a lot of years that we had all our children in town at the same time.
This is Dean, LeighAnn, and Bill.
As for the wedding, what can I say? It was beautiful, and yes, I cried. The day was extra special because it was also the 30th anniversary of Holly’s parents (Colleen and Steve) plus, Holly and Justins’ wedding ceremony was performed by the same minister who had performed Holly’s parents wedding ceremony 30 years before. I really don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience. Even the bride was wiping away tears as she listened to Justin who was choking back tears as he said his vows.
By the way, I have posted on Our Web Album a whole bunch more wedding pictures. Take the time and check them all out. We had so much fun and it was a great time for all the family to be back together again. If the link doesn't work, you can always go to your browser and type in and it will take you to the "Picasa on-line album" where I have a lot of pictures uploaded in many different albums.
Sadly, I have one more thing to post that happened in August:
On August 10, we received the sad news that a close friends companion and love passed away from complications of Leukemia, which he had been battling for a long time. Charlie (76) was an avid pilot, Jeep 4-wheeler, and RVer. He was a marvelous man living his life the way he wanted to. He was one to never turn down a challenge, and was even planning a sky-diving trip when he passed away. Our hearts and prayers go out to Connie and the Biehn family, and we pray they gain peace in knowing that Charlie is now challenging God to give him more daring things to accomplish.
Charlie, we all will miss you!!!!